Neeraj Parents' Pride School

Baldeobagh , Rajnandgaon ( Chhattisgarh )

Registration Form (Only for new Admission)

Registration Form

Personal Information
Parents' Information

Please submit above format after filling to 'ADMINISTRATOR' through Whats-app Number – 9826116585 / Supriya mam – Admission Cell - 6262611851 After filling the above format please make your payment online of Rs. 5000/- which will be adjusted in first installment or admission fee.
Online payment details - Neeraj Parents' Pride School, A/C No.-50446953726, IFSC Code-ALLA0210210
You can also submit cheque in favour of "Neeraj Parents' Pride School" directly to Allahabad Bank, Rajnandgaon.
NOTE : -
(A)-After submission of online payment/cheque please whats-app the details to 9826116585. After receiving payment confirmation from our end, your ward will be given provisional admission and details of online classes will be given to your ward.
(B)- For any querries please contact Supriya mam – Admission Cell – 6262611851 / 9826116585
(C)-Above procedure will provide you provisional admission of your ward. Final Admission will be done after due verification of all related documents in original which is required during admission.
(D)- Regarding any queries related to above please call on 9826116585.